If you're anything like me, Spring is a time of great beauty and great suffering! Allergies can make you absolutely miserable. Still, there are plenty of natural remedies available to you that just might put the "spring" back in your step!
Thanks to Dr. Axe for this fantastic resource on natural allergy relief!
Disclaimer: I do not benefit monetarily from any article posted on my blog. Please know, my sole purpose in posting these articles is for the betterment of those seeking healthy alternatives in a toxic world!
8 Natural Allergy Relief Remedies
The good news is there are eight amazing all natural remedies that can give you quick allergy relief.
There are more natural remedies for seasonal allergies than I can mention in this article. No wonder entire books have been written on them!
It was tough to narrow down the options, but after extensive research, I put together theTop 8 natural allergy relief remedies that EVERYONE can and should start today!
1. Neti Pot
Clearing the nasal passages of allergens and irritants, sinus irrigation originated in the Ayurvedic medical tradition and people in India have been receiving astounding results for centuries.
Thankfully, this “alternative” approach has reached mainstream and the medical community has all but welcomed it with open arms. David Rabago, MD has conducted several studies on the subject and has proven clinically that using a neti pot is effective to prevent and treat several upper respiratory conditions including chronic and acute sinusitis, the common cold and seasonal allergies.
When you use a Neti pot, make sure that the water is distilled and as sterile as possible. Tap water is full of chlorine and fluoride and can actually aggravate your sinuses.
If you don’t want to use a neti pot you can do a salt water sinus rinse by mixing sea salt with warm water and sucking it up one nostril.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar is the best and you can now find it almost everywhere! It’s USDA & Kosher certified organic, GMO-free, unfiltered, raw (not pasteurized!), and contains the amazing “Mother” of vinegar.
Drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of ACV in your water with some fresh lemon juice is the best way to wake up every morning. At the first sign of an allergy attack, put 1 teaspoon of ACV in your Neti Pot solution for a fantastic sinus flush.
3. Quercetin
Naturally found in cruciferous vegetables, onions/shallots, green teas and citrus fruit, quercetin is a bioflavonoid that stabilizes the release of histamine and helps to naturally control allergy symptoms.
A recent study out of Slovakia has shown that quercetin is so effective that it can help calm down allergic asthma by reducing the hyperactivity of airways. It is so powerful that Iranian researchers have proven that quercetin can help control peanut allergies, the leading cause of life-threatening/fatal allergy attacks.
Various sources suggest that it is best to use quercetin as a long-term remedy and people prone to seasonal allergies should start to take them a few weeks before spring arrives and plants start to bloom.
4. Local Raw Honey (Bee Pollen)
Telling you to eat something like raw honey for seasonal allergies may sound too easy because it is so sweet, but don’t discount this ancient remedy. Taking a tablespoon of local, raw honey every day will help your body build a tolerance to the local pollen that is running amuck on your sinuses.
The International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published an article in 2011 that tested how pre-seasonal use of birch pollen honey affected people with birch pollen allergies and discovered that patients taking the honey “reported a 60% lower total symptom score, twice as many asymptomatic days, and 70% fewer days with severe symptoms, and they used 50% less antihistamines compared to the control group” that took conventional meds.
I recommend taking 1 tbsp of raw local honey daily.
5. Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle has a rich history of medicinal use dating back to medieval Europe where it was used as a diuretic to relieve people of joint pain. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, studies suggest that it can effectively treat a wide range of health concerns including:
- Urinary problems like urinary tract infections
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
- Joint pain, sprain and strains
- Insect bites
Research has specifically shown that nettle leaf naturally controls histamine, which is why a growing number of doctors recommend taking a freeze-dried preparation before hay fever season begins. It can also be used as a tea or tincture.
6. Eucalyptus Oil
You can use eucalyptus oil for season allergy relief in a variety of ways. You can put several drops into your Neti pot, inhale it via a diffuser or use it in your laundry detergent as an antimicrobial agent.
An interesting study out of Egypt evaluated the effect that various essential oils had in killing the highly allergic house mites and found that eucalyptus oil ranked amongst some of the most potent.
For an eco-friendly, biodegradable addition to your natural detergents add 25 drops of eucalyptus oil to each load of wash during allergy season, especially if you or the kids are running around outside.
Also, if your allergy symptoms are going strong, mix eucalyptus oil with coconut oil and rub it on your chest and behind your ears and diffuse it in the air during the day and while sleeping.
7. Frankincense Essential Oil
The almost unbelievable cancer-killing capacity of Indian frankincense has been well established in scientific literature for several years, but its life-giving power doesn’t end there.
In a study published by Phytotherapy Research, for instance, when mice took 1-10 mg of frankincense orally it was discovered that multiple levels of their immune systems were stimulated including IgG, IgM, and interferon.
In layman’s terms, frankincense can boost the immune system like no other and if you suffer from seasonal allergies, make sure you implement it into your natural health regimen.
I simply rub frankincense behind my ears and on my chest or diffuse frankincense essential oil in my home and office three hours daily.
8. SBO Probiotics
It is becoming common knowledge that the immune system starts in the gut. In fact, more than 80% of your immune function is stored in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract! It should be no wonder that research keeps surfacing that links probiotic use to reduced risk of allergies.
They are so effective that a study published last year in the journal Pediatrics discovered that women who regularly take probiotics during pregnancy significantly reduce their child’s risk of developing allergies!
I highly recommend getting your soil-based organisms through probiotics in a supplement form or from food at farmer’s markets and your local garden.
Keep these side effects and natural remedies in mind as we approach what many are claiming will be one of the worst allergy seasons we’ve had in a long while!
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