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Monday, February 16, 2015

Benefits of Lemon Oil

Benefits of Essential Oils in Lemons
One of the most interesting benefits that has been linked to lemon oil is its moderate antimicrobial activities against bad bacteria, yeast and fungi such as Candida albicans more commonly known to cause yeast infection.
These antimicrobial effects have a range of benefits when ingested and used topically, and are the core of where the benefits are derived.
A study was published took a look at how lemon oil would affect pregnant women dealing with vomiting and nausea. Around 100 women participated and after just 2 days reports of dramatically decreased symptoms were reported as compared to the placebo group.
After 4 days a decrease of nausea and vomiting was seen on average of 33%.
While this study was specific to pregnant women, it may suggest that those dealing with similar issues who are not pregnant would see similar benefits.
In another study performed by the Central Food Technological Research Institute looked at how geraniol, a phytonutriant found in lemon, aided in reversing diabetic neuropathy.
The study showed that sciatic nerve damage was reduced through lemon oil (geraniol) use. In the full 8 week study cellular function was restored, suggesting that the use of lemon oil regularly can assist in regulating energy stores, and as previously mentioned help preventing disease 

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